Discovery Kindergarten, located in Sabana Norte, opened its doors on December 2 , 2002 with Mrs. Gloriana Granados as director. Mrs. Granados had already had more than 12 years of experience working with the Montessori philosophy. From the beginning, Discovery had the cooperation and support of Stephanie Vanselow, who is currently a board member of Discovery’s kindergarten in Santa Ana.
In December 2005, Discovery was moved to new premises in the same area to be able to receive children below one year of age. Norma Restrepo was put in charge of designing and starting this new project.
At the request of several parents in December 2008, the doors of Discovery Montessori in Santa Ana under Norma Restrepo and Stephanie Vanselow’s direction opened.
Discovery Montessori is one of the two sites the Pan American Montessori Society used to train Montessori guides.
Meet our directors
The child retains this ability to learn up to seven years. Dr. Montessori concluded that their experiences could be enriched in a classroom where he could manipulate materials that provide a basic education. For over 90 years the Montessori theory has proven a toddler can learn to read, write and calculate in the same natural way he learns to walk and talk. In a Montessori classroom, the material invites the child to learn this way on your own and when you are ready.
A recreational program is designed for children to get the most out of their afternoons in a secure and stimulating environment.
The program is lead by preschool education professionals who are in charge of planning and implementing creative that promote all areas of development.
In the afternoons, the children have the opportunity to interact with other children with traditional games, imaginative literature, art and cuisine.
We arrived to Costa Rica from Venezuela having a good job, and we only had one week to find a place where my only child could stay while we were working. We started surfing the web, and locating the nearest places from our house, and we fall in love at first sight with Discovery Montessori, our son had only two months old and he felt in so confidence that he was very happy since his first visit, and he even felt very comfortable since his first day like if he had been there all life. Since the first day his education has been with the highest quality, and we were amazed at home about the new abilities he showed us every dayat so early age thanks to Montessori education, and the teacher also taught us how to continue this techniques at home. Since that first time in Discovery, our son have an excellent education, and now in this moment we have our second son learning a lot and our little girl starting in this confidence place, and we knoe that they are in good hands while we are working. Discovery Montessori, is mora than education, they have been our family sin we arrived to Costa Rica, a plce where we didn’t know anybody, and they helped us a lot in difficult moments to let our child receiving the best education. We recommend a lot Discovery Montessori to every parent, and we confirm that Discovery is more than a kindergarten, it’s a family that always supports you.Jorge Naquiche and Sylvia Anton
When our children turned three, we thought it would be a good timefor our child to start going to nursery school, so that she could socialize to our children and develop her motor skills. Luckily, Discovery was recommended to us. After visiting the schools, getting to know the methods and seeing the way the children were treated, we had no doubt about signing up our daughter. our family has received nothing but the utmost respect from Discovery, in exchange for the trust we have placed on you. You have helped Sofía feel important and valued throught the different and special activitiesin your institution. Through the help and support of an adorable teacher who loved her unconditionally, a young girl was able to integrate in a group of classmates and fell part of the Discovery Montessori family. The different activities and excursions inside and out of the institution heigten children’s interest and motivate to go to school day to day. They acquire new skills and knowledge in an entertaining, participative and effective way. The leraning methods allow them to experiment for themselves and give them a chance to find out what they are able to do. At the same time they can optimize their strengths and receive support in the areas where they need some help. We, as parents, can trust that our children are in good hands and with people who really care about their students grow as pupils and as people.
I am incredible grateful with Sofia’s teacher. Through her hard work, beautiful personality, and sincere interest in education, she has earned both, the confidence and love from my daughter. Sofia just adores her. l just want to thank the Dicovery team for the personalized attention and loving treatment my daughter received every single day. Thank you for being concerned with giving the best education, for providing lectures and information to reinforce our job as parents. And thank you for allowing us to enjoy all of the precious unfogettable moments at Discovery.Carol Vega Rojas
Unforgettable days my two children, Karina and Gadi enjoyed, leraned, grew and played at Discovery Montessori. For almost eight years, I was a Discovery mom. My husband and I feel very proud to have made this huge first decision about the education of our children. The three most important aspects that I would like to highlight about those days are the following:
1. Human touch: The personnel at Discovery gave our family always what a child needs most: warmth with a human touch. In addition to being very well trained, organized, the teachers were also very attentive and loving towards the individual needs of my children. They received them with love every morning. They worked with their strengths and helped them out in the areas where they needed extra support. My children were always happy when they got to school, left school and when they had to return the next day. In eight years, many things can happen and life may throw many things your way , yet the personnel at Discovery supported us unconditionally in many difficult moments. These act of kindness will be remmebered eternally.
2. Orgaization: For modern families whose time is limited, Discovery is extremely organized. There is an annual calendar to be able to take note of every activity, be it a celebration, holiday or a meeting. There is no improvisation, which is a sign of recpect towards the children and the parents. All the activities are well planned and thought out. Not only are they unforgettable, but they are also age appropriate.
3. Perfect combination: My children enjoyed and grew enormously (intelectually and socially) with the methods used at Discovery. The Montessori style and the other guided activities are a perfect combination lo learn and be happy. The educational techniques, material and new class options are always innovative and up to date. My children loved Kinder Music, computer class, gymnastics, and other programs that are incorporated in the weekly routine at no additional cost.
With my profession, I always recommend a kindergarten which is pro-breats feeding. Discovery is one of the first nursery schools that I have come across which has a special spot for the mothers whi wish to nurse in a comfortable and private atmosphere.
Thank you, Gloriana and your team! Our family will always remember you with lots of love!Dr. Ingrid Broitman T.
Throughout the last five years, we have trusted both of our two children to Kinder Dlsmvery Monresspri, and we can only give it excellent recomendations. With the teaching methodology at this school, the developmenr of our children has surpassed our highest expectations. The warmth, the professionalism, responsibility and dedication by all of the personnel is evident every single day. We are very gratelul for their joining and orienting us in these formative years of our children.Zulema Barboza and Rafael Morice
We have had the precious experience of sharing many years with the Discovery Montesori family. Our daughter was one of lhe first students in Santa Ana, where teacher Stephanie was the main teacher and there were stil very few students. We have seen the school grow under the supervision of very special people, who are filled with amazing kindness and full dedication to their job. We have seen the exact same organization and warmth with our youngest son who started at the same preschool in a well-developed institution that we saw in a school in its first year. The love for the children is the same, and we are certain that it will always be, no matter the numbers. It is reassuring to be able to leave our children in the hands of kind hearted people who treat children with warmth and respect. With this family style environment, we ran trust that our precious ones are in a safe place. The team has demonstrated professionalism and racionality in various emergency situations and in the prevention of them. This first stage fo school could not have been any better for our children. We are inmensely grateful to all of the teachers, who have planted a special seed in the educational formation of each of these special ones we have in our home. We want to specially thanks Teacher Stephanie and Teacher Norma whose great charisma and people skills have been the key to leading this beautiful project to the highest standards of excellence.Alejandra Barboza and Jorge Casafont
Address: Scotiabank next to National Stadium , 200 west , 200 north and 25 east
Phone: 2296-2290, 2290-7290
Fax: 2290-7287
Baby Center:
Phone: 2296-5393, 2290-5395
Address: Red Cross Santa Ana , 100 west 100 south to 75 west.
Phone: 2282-8404, 2282-7102, 2203-0003
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